I'm posting this week's menu plan early because tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me. I'll be with Clara at the cardiologist for most of the morning, and Jeremy is working late tomorrow night so I won't have as much free time.
The appointment tomorrow is just a follow-up from her NICU stay last Fall. When they discovered the problems with her esophagus they ran several tests to see if any of her other body systems were affected, which I guess often happens to babies that have the type of birth defect she did. Thankfully they didn't find anything except for a small hole in her heart. They expected it to close on its own so tomorrow's appointment is to make sure that has happened. It shouldn't be a big deal other than the fact that it will take us away from home for a few hours when Clara would normally be napping.
Anyways, on to this week's menu...
MondaySummer Sausage Soup, biscuits
TuesdayFish fillets, baked potatoes, zucchini
WednesdayChicken breasts, wild rice, carrots
ThursdayHomemade pizza
FridaySpaghetti with homemade sauce, garlic toast, frozen peas
Saturday - MondayWe'll be at the cabin!
I'm also planning to make some coconut almond muffins this week, and maybe a batch of whole-wheat waffles once we've cleared some space in the freezer.