Friday, May 13, 2011


Here's a peek at our Easter celebration...

Some pictures of the girls in their nice dresses before they got all messed up.

Aren't these cheeks just so irresistible?

And those big blue eyes! Combine that with the fact that she's still kind of a baby and hasn't yet entered the "terrible twos" and oh my... this girl just steals my heart a million times a day.

Attempting to wrangle the cousins before setting them loose for our first ever (and definitely not the last) Easter egg hunt.

Jeremy helped Lola and she actually really got into it.

Clara was so totally excited about the hunt! I've got some cute videos of both of them that I'll put on my Facebook page.

Listening to Oompa read the Easter story.

And opening some special Easter gifts from Nana and Oompa.