Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Doctor update

We were 38 weeks yesterday. We didn't take our weekly picture yet, but I did have a doctor appointment yesterday so I can at least fill you all in on that.

I am now dilated one centimeter and 60% effaced, so at least we're making a little progress. My doctor also said that the baby's head is lower than average, which I probably could have told her myself considering the pain that I'm sometimes feeling from her head pushing down! The other thing that surprised me a bit is that I gained 3.5 pounds in the past week. Yikes! The doctor said it's probably mostly water weight at this point, which would explain why my feet are more swollen now. Thank goodness it's not the middle of winter. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't wear flip-flops!

In the past week Jeremy and I have both hit the point where we are ready to be done with pregnancy and start our life with this little baby. Jeremy keeps telling her that she can come out any time. I think my mom and I are going to go walk the mall this afternoon - partly to give my back some relief from sitting down, and partly to get some exercise and try to encourage labor.

This past weekend we also spent some more time working on the baby's room, so I'd say it's about 90% ready now. It's still pretty bland looking since we haven't hung things on the walls yet, and we're not allowed to paint, but I'm sure we'll find a way to spruce things up. At least we have a place to change her diaper, and her clothes are all put away, and later this week my parents are bringing over the cradle that my dad made for her so she'll have a place to sleep. And we've managed to get pretty much all the non-baby things out of her room now so you can actually tell that there is a floor in there! I'll post some pictures after we hang things on the walls and get the cradle here.

I think it's time for me to try taking a nap now. We'll let you know if anything exciting happens this week!

1 comment:

Ben and Kristi Graves said...

i cant believe how soon she's going to be here! :) get some rest! praying for you!