Wednesday evening we sat with Clara and it was clear that she was in some pain from the surgery. She hasn't been able to cry because she has a big breathing tube down her throat, but she can squirm around and grimace in a way that just breaks our hearts. Yesterday she was much more calm. She was moving her arms and legs a fair amount, but her face was completely calm so she appeared to be very comfortable. One of the nurses said she looked like she was relaxing on the beach!
This morning we went up to the hospital right away in the morning so we could be there when the doctors do their rounds to discuss the status of each baby. The nurse encouraged me to hold her, which I was more than happy to do since the last time I held her was Tuesday night. She still let us know this morning that she doesn't like the breathing tube in her mouth, but thankfully the doctors plan to remove it today. They also will continue to wean her off the morphine today and only give it to her as needed. This is great for obvious reasons, but it will also mean she'll be able to wake up more and interact with us. And if the surgeon approves, they will start feeding her breastmilk through a feeding tube today.
Jeremy and I are just continuing to praise God for the wonderful work he has done in Clara in just the first four days of her life. I was reading Morning and Evening by C.H. Spurgeon yesterday and it was so fitting. "Hath the Lord been gracious to thee, and inclined his ear to the voice of thy supplication? Then praise Him as long as thou livest... Deny not a song to Him who hath answered thy prayer and given thee the desire of thy heart." God has surely been gracious to us.
Here are a few pictures from this morning...