Monday, December 21, 2009

Clara's first artwork

The other day Jeremy and I were working on some things around the house and Clara was just wandering around playing with toys, reading books and generally getting into things. While we weren't looking, she went into the kitchen, reached up on the table and got herself a pencil and then proceeded to think it would be a good idea to scribble on the wall. Why she would think of that I have no idea, other than the simple fact that she's a kid and the wall was available. Thankfully she picked the one wall in our entire house that is unfinished so it really doesn't matter that she scribbled on it. And isn't her artwork pretty?


Brenda and Dan said...

Very may need more of the "Magic Eraser" for future artwork :)

Grammie said...

She's her Daddy's child. He loved to draw on anything that was available. Be sure to keep the camera out of reach or she may take pictures of the ceiling of anything else that suits her fancy. She did know what she was doing since she chose a only wall that it didn't matter she do her impressionist art work on. Good job Clara Josephine!

Our family... said...

Nice artwork for sure, but I must tell you it looks very similar to Ellie's... and Ellie's didn't happen to be on our own walls, but on the walls of the family we were staying with... in pen, not in pencil. :)

Can't wait till our girls can have a playdate... that'll be fun. :)