Sunday, September 21, 2008

36 weeks

Yesterday we hit the 8-month mark. Eight down, one to go. Wow!
Baby is getting bigger all the time. A man at church asked me last night if we're having twins. Evidently he thought I was looking quite large! Here's the picture we took when we got home...

For the past two weeks I've been having a lot of contractions. I think I have been having them for many weeks actually, but now they are much more regular and stronger. Not painful, just uncomfortable. I've probably been a bad girl not calling my doctor to talk to her about it, but I have an appointment tomorrow so I'll tell her about it then. Hopefully I'm not in too much trouble.

Here's what says about our baby this week:

Your baby continues to put on weight at about ½ pound each week. This layer of fat will help your baby regulate his body temperature after leaving your climate-controlled womb. In fact, your baby will be 15 percent fat at birth (and you ... well that's another story). Even in the womb, your baby can listen, feel, touch and see. The only thing separating him from living in the outside world is a little thing called the birth canal. Other highlights this week:His gums are firm with ridges that look somewhat like teeth, though his actual pearly whites won't start breaking through until he's between three months and a year old.Your baby has definite patterns of sleep and wakefulness—opening his eyes while awake and closing them while sleeping. Your baby will become alert and turn his head toward light and sound just as a newborn would—except when you put on that Celine Dion CD. Then the baby puts his hands up, turns away and gurgles, "Oh no you didn't!" Your baby is now around 18½ inches long and nearly 6 pounds—just about as big as a breadbox!

There's still so much we "need" to do before she's born - pick out a name, finish setting up her room, write our birth plan, find a pediatrician, pack the hospital bag, etc. etc. etc. Do all new parents feel like this as their due date draws near, or are we the only unprepared ones? I guess these things will all get done sometime so I probably shouldn't worry about it.

I'll try to post again tomorrow or Tuesday to let everyone know if the doctor says that these contractions are actually accomplishing anything.

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