Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In November, Clara learned about carving pumpkins...

And she hung out with her sister...

Experienced her first full ponytail...

And once she ate her snack at the toilet. Totally gross, I know....but hey, she's a kid.

The girl talks pretty much all the time. She makes us laugh a lot. At the moment I can't think of the funny things she says, but I'll try to write them down as I hear them and share them later.

She's a total mini mommy. She nurses her baby dolls, changes them, puts them down for naps, walks them in her stroller, puts them in Lola's car seat, burps them, and just generally takes care of them. She also loves to read books (or rather have them read to her). She loves Sesame Street and especially Elmo. She wants to do anything mommy is doing...washing dishes, cooking (which she calls "making"), giving Lola a bath, brushing teeth, brushing hair, etc. She thinks it's fun to pretend to take naps in our bed. She can climb into the cribs, but it hasn't occurred to her yet how to climb out even though we leave the side of her crib down all the way. She doesn't understand the concept of time or weather, so she will ask to go the park at any time...darkness, rain, snow, winter wind. She loves her sister very much, but occasionally will tell me to put her on the floor so I can give her my full attention. If she is ever sad about anything she wants her "buddy" as her comfort item. Now she thinks that anyone else who is sad needs their buddy too. And any time she is telling us something that she doesn't want to do she adds "right now" to the end of it. For example, "Don't want to go doctor right now!" And the girl has an unending appetite. She asks for snacks all day long. And the way she's asking you'd think she was starving to death and hadn't eaten in days. She's a crazy-maker and a sweet, darling all in one.

1 comment:

Brenda and Dan said...

I Love "Miss Cool" watching over her little sister :)

Snacks at the toilet are funny too!!