Monday, May 12, 2008


I'm 17 weeks now! And for the past week I've been feeling pretty good. I haven't been very nauseated and I haven't thrown up at all. Eating is getting easier and I'm feeling like I have a little more energy. My tummy is definitely still growing too. Just this morning when I woke up I told Jeremy that I thought my tummy got bigger overnight. :)

Here's what says about Baby Hermann this week:

The little one in your abdomen is now 7 inches (18 cm) and he weighs approximately 5 ounces (150 grams). Although his eyes remain closed, through his eyelids he can distinguish between light and dark. If you lie in the sun with your naked belly your child will swim, so to speak, in a pink slightly translucent bath. If you lie under the blankets, his little house is dark. Perhaps that's why your baby will move a bit more often at night, just as if he wants to say: "turn on the light". That stomping and movement you still can't feel yourself, but rest assured, it's not much longer now until you will notice that there is something flapping around in your tummy. If this is your second pregnancy, you may feel little flutters by now.

Every day your baby develops further. He is growing almost an inch (two centimeters) a week now. Tiny nails and unique fingerprints are developing on the fingers and toes. His teeny tiny eyelashes and eyebrows are also really cute and ensure that your little one's face gets more beautiful by the day. What color eyes will he have? Who will he look like? Like his Dad or Grandpa or maybe a bit like you?

1 comment:

Ben and Kristi Graves said...

so cute!! =D and so glad you are feeling better. i enjoy checking your blog every monday (tuesday for me) and seeing your new weekly pictures. love you!