Well we're 18 weeks now. I can hardly believe we're quickly approaching the halfway point! Less than three weeks to go until the big ultrasound. And I have a feeling after that time is going to really start moving quickly. We'll need to start thinking about registering, preparing to leave my job, taking birthing classes, etc.
We did hit a few milestones (at least in my mind) recently. Last weekend Jeremy and I went out for dinner! For the first few months of this pregnancy the thought of going out to eat was almost like torture, but Friday night we went to Macaroni Grill and it was so yummy!! And yesterday I weighed in at 100.4 lbs! I've been trying for a few years to get back up to 100 lbs, but with little success. It only took four months of pregnancy to finally get there. :)
On the job front, still the only job that Jeremy has applied for is a youth pastor job in Manitowoc, WI (his hometown). He's currently moving through the application process and is getting more excited about this opportunity. I expect to hear from them again in the next week or two. Assuming they remain interested in him we'll probably be starting to make trips out there for interviews before too long. Please continue to pray about this on our behalf. This is a bit of a scary option for me because I would be leaving my comfort zone, and just in time to really shake up our lives with the addition of a little Hermann. But I know God is faithful and is all that I need.
Well that's the 18-week update. Next week's update will probably come a little late since we'll be at the cabin for the long weekend. Happy Memorial Day!