Monday, April 21, 2008

14 Weeks

We're 14 weeks now and I think things are starting to get a little better for me. Last week was up and down, but I didn't throw up at all so that was a milestone. I got out of the house a fair amount over the weekend, and today I worked 6 hours! These are all victories considering how sick and nauseated I have been for the past several weeks.

Getting dressed in the morning is a bit of a challenge. I'm getting too big for a lot of my pre-pregnancy pants, but I'm not big enough yet for maternity pants. So I have this great thing called a Bella Band, which is basically a tube top that I wear over my waistband to hide the fact that I am not buttoning or zipping my pants. :) But that also means I need to find shirts that are longer so I don't look funny. It's a bit of a challenge, but it's definitely worth it. And I don't mind the fact that my tummy is growing. It makes this pregnancy seem more real.

This year is on track to be one full of change for Jeremy and I. He graduates from seminary in just six weeks, so we are now praying for and searching for a full-time job for him that will provide enough financially to allow me to stay home once the baby is born. We would covet your prayers as well while we search, and I will keep you updated as things progress in that area.


Ben and Kristi Graves said...

you're so cute! =) praying in japan!

Taylor Girls said...

How exciting! I love seeing pictures as a pregnancy progresses. Keep posting! And glad you're feeling better, too. I can't imagine how awful it must be to be constantly nauseous. Uggh.

Love you!

Robin said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys. Maybe you should job-hunt in Denver???