Daily Bible reading - this month was better than last month, but still not as good as I'd like. I read probably half of the days this month.
Work on 2011 reading list - I finished Professionalizing Motherhood and I read Steady Days. Both good books, but I really loved Steady Days. I do plan to write a summary of them on the blog, soon I hope. I was hoping to get one more book done this month, but I ended up devoting a lot of time to Clara's quiet book instead since I knew we'd be going out of town this past weekend and I wanted her to be able to use it in the car.
Get in the habit of family devotions - we're still struggling to make this happen, though there were a handful of days that we did something really intentional.
No TV between dinnertime and Clara's bedtime - I feel like this one has fallen off our radar a bit this month. I need to talk to Jeremy about this and not be so quick to push that 'on' button. But hopefully before too long it will get nicer outside and we'll naturally want to be out there rather than watching TV.
Work on Kitchen Stewardship's Top 10 Foundational Habits - yep, we're still slowly working on this. Several of them I do already, but I have yet to try making homemade yogurt or bone broth. Someday this year I will. At least the broth for sure. For some reason the yogurt kinda scares me still!
Potty train Clara - we actually made some progress on this in February! She is showing a bit more interest and has actually worn underwear for a small portion of a few days. She's gone potty in the toilet five times in the past week and a half!
Work toward a routine for me and the girls - we've made some progress on this too this month! Steady Days helped give me some ideas and fresh motivation so I did write up a routine and post it on our fridge last week and we're trying it out. It's not drastically different from what our days looked like before, but it's working pretty well I think. And I know it will change once the weather is nice and we start playing outside more too.
Have two Norwex parties each month - totally didn't meet that goal in February. I had no parties, but I do have two on the calendar for March and I'm hoping for more.
Take the girls outside on every nice day - totally didn't do this either. I think we went out for a walk once. They've been sick a lot so we've been indoors a lot. A lot. I'm so longing for health for our family again.
Do more crafts - I did! I worked on Clara's quiet book a lot, plus I made some Valentine's decorations.
Good-bye February, hello March!