Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cookin' up some fun!

I've noticed recently that Clara has begun to outgrow the "baby toys" that we've accumulated for her so I've been watching Craig's List for an inexpensive play kitchen. Most of the ones I'd been seeing were still around $60 which wasn't cheap enough for me. Until today. Someone had posted one last night for $25 and it looked cute and in good condition so I jumped on it. We picked it up this afternoon and Clara's first reaction to it was pure delight. I didn't get a great picture of her with it yet because she was constantly on the move checking everything out. It makes noise when you play with the faucet, push buttons on the phone, and turn the pages of the cookbook. And the burners on the stove light up like they're hot. Now we just need to buy some play food and dishes and she'll be set for hours of fun!


Brenda and Dan said...

She is really gonna think she is a "big girl" now! :)

Caryn said...

So fun! We got one for Carysse's 2nd birthday. She loves playing with it. When we went to shop for one, the big ones that we liked were $60-$100. That very next week, a neighbor was selling hers for $10 and it looks brand new! Praise God for good deals!