Sunday, June 7, 2009


Yesterday I made a dress for Clara! The fabric started its life as a table runner, but a couple years ago we spilled a bit of wax on it and as hard as I've tried I have not been able to get it out. So I threw the runner in a drawer with the hope that some day I'd come up with a way to save it.

I had originally thought I would try to fix it and still use it as a table runner, but recently I bought a dress pattern for Clara and decided to use the runner for that instead. You can't see it very well in the picture above, but the runner had a border stitched around it, so I cut the dress pieces in such a way as to use that border and not have to hem the dress. And here's the result...

It's a pale green linen. It's just a little too big for her now, but by mid to late summer she should be able to wear it I think. I can't decide if I should jazz it up a little more with ribbon around the waistline or an applique or something. I think for now I'll leave it. Maybe when she's able to wear it I'll decide it needs something more.

The table runner I already had, the pattern cost $1.99, bias tape $1.79 (but I have enough left to use for another dress) and the zipper cost $1.79... for a total of $5.57. Not too bad. And the next dress will only cost $1.79 for the zipper, plus the cost of fabric if I don't use something already in my stash. Love it!
Plus this was the first time I've sewn a zipper and it wasn't nearly as scary as I always thought it would be. I feel empowered now! On to the next zipper project...


Brenda and Dan said...

That dress is really cute and very economical. Great job......Proverbs 31 Woman!

Anie said...


how do you feel about helping a church lady hem some capris that are just too long?

Ben and Kristi Graves said...

super cute! :) and i think you're right - it could use a cute little flower applique!

Manda (+2) said...

Love the dress girl! WOW- I was just telling your hubby- reading your blog makes me feel guilty. You are a great wife!