Sunday, August 10, 2008

30 Weeks!

Sorry to those of you who've been checking back for updates. It's been a shamefully long time since I've posted. Mostly it's just that I've been hot and tired and haven't felt like sitting in our apartment to do anything (we don't have A/C). But today is much cooler, plus we're 30 weeks now, so I knew I really had to get some updated pictures on here.
Much has happened in the three weeks since my last post.
1. Jeremy accepted a full-time position at our church as the Interim Coordinator for Congregational Care at the downtown campus. We had also been pursuing a youth pastor position in his hometown in Wisconsin, but the farther we got in the process with them the more unsettled we felt about it. It would have been really great to be near his family, but this job itself just didn't feel like a good fit for us right now. So after much prayer we turned that position down and accepted the job at Bethlehem. Jeremy has already started in his new role part-time and will soon be fully transitioned in. I am praising God for His provision because it seems like a really great fit for Jeremy at this time.
2. As a result of Jeremy finding a full-time job, I will be leaving my job at the end of August to stay home full-time. We found an apartment in northeast Minneapolis that we will be moving into on September 1st. It has been a huge blessing living with my parents for the past year and a half, but we are excited now to have our own place again. Assuming baby girl doesn't come too early, I should have several weeks at home to get us unpacked and settled, and to rest up for the sleepless nights to come! It will be bittersweet to leave the job that I love at my church, but I am so excited to be home with our baby and be able to focus on managing our home.
3. Speaking of baby, we are now well into the third trimester and only have 10 weeks to go until our due date! It's hard to believe we're already on the home stretch. I'm still feeling quite well, all things considered, but I'm definitely more tired again and experiencing things like heartburn, shortness of breath, multiple trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and at times a belly that feels like it is so stretched it will probably burst at any moment. And I'm still trying to get a handle on how far I stick out now. The other day I walked across the room to give Jeremy a hug and I misjudged where my belly ends and just plowed into him. It felt kinda like bumper cars...or bumper bellies. :)

Enjoy the 30-week pictures...

1 comment:

Caryn said...

I like the new blog makeover...cute wedding pic!

Praise God for Jeremy's new job and you having the privilege to stay home with the baby! What a huge blessing!