Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So I haven't posted in a month. I feel like I've been really busy, but I'm trying to think what we've been doing. Jeremy was very busy with school for the last few weeks of the quarter. He had several papers to write, which meant I didn't get much computer time. We also visited his family in Manitowoc, WI over Thanksgiving. We had a great, long visit and got to see almost everyone. That was our Thanksgiving and Christmas celebration with them since we are staying in MN for Christmas this year. Work has been keeping us both busy, as well as Christmas parties, bible study, Christmas shopping, baking, writing Christmas cards, and watching football. Yes, I am actually beginning to get into football. I'm not a fanatic by any stretch of the word, but I'm getting into it. I ask Jeremy lots of questions, and occasionally he gets a tad annoyed with me, but mostly he's very patient and will answer the same question 10 games in a row without complaining. :) This Saturday is the big "Elgard family Christmas celebration." It will be an all-day affair with waffles for brunch and a soup buffet for dinner. We're supposed to get snow that day too. It should be fun!

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