Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Home again!

Clara is back home! What a sweet answer to prayer because I thought she would have at least one more night in the hospital.

When I got to the hospital this morning wouldn't you know she was eating formula. They suctioned her nose and then fed her and she did pretty well. So far today she's had about 14 ounces of formula/milk! Their conclusion was that she's just congested from her cold and it's giving her some trouble with eating. I think it's still going to be a challenge for the next couple days, but hopefully we'll be able to keep her eating at least some milk.

Here are some pictures of her stay...
She liked their bouncy seat better than ours because their's vibrates. And isn't she cute in her little purple hospital gown?

Happy to be home with daddy!

Thank you all for your prayers for our sweet girl!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Please pray for Clara

Clara is back in the hospital tonight. Since last Tuesday she has refused to drink milk or formula so she's been living on Pedialyte. Wednesday she started showing symptoms of a cold so we figured that was why she didn't want milk. And I kept thinking that she'd want milk the next feeding. But many feedings have come and gone and she still won't take milk. So today I decided it was time to take her to the doctor.

We went in this afternoon and they were pretty concerned about her eating situation and the fact that she's lost 7 oz. in the past week and a half. They also wanted to do a chest x-ray because of her cold, but they didn't have a radiologist there today so they sent us to the ER at the nearby hospital and they warned us that she might end up being admitted there. So I left the doctor's office with her and we went to the ER. There they did a chest x-ray, which looked fine. Then they did an esophagram to see if her esophagus had narrowed again, but that looked fine too.

At this point they're kind of at a loss as to why she won't drink milk so they admitted her this evening for further investigation. Tomorrow they will have Speech Pathology come to look at her and see if they can find any reason why she doesn't want to eat. Beyond that I'm not sure what's going to be done tomorrow.

I was pretty sad coming home tonight and leaving my baby at the hospital again. And I feel like I have no idea when she will be coming home. But the Lord is in control and He is the one who holds Clara's life in His hands. Please join us in praying that she will start eating again soon so she can come home.

I imagine I'll be at the hospital most of the day tomorrow, but I'll post another update as soon as I can.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The view from our house

Clara started coming down with her first cold last Tuesday and is definitely still in the thick of it. She's not been a happy camper to say the least. So this has been the view from our house recently...

Napping in her boppy pillow in the living room. When I was growing up whenever someone was sick they camped out in the living room, so it's only fitting that Clara should do the same.

Snuggling on daddy's shoulder and catching a catnap. All the crying wears a girl out!

A picture of the above mentioned crying. :)

The necessary supplies. All she will drink is Pedialyte and she definitely does not enjoy the nasal aspirator (or as daddy calls it, the "nose plunger").

More snuggles with daddy.

And more snuggles with daddy. (Yes, mommy takes care of her too, but there is no photographed evidence of that.)

Friday, January 16, 2009

They Said It Would Happen!

It seems like everyday we spend with Clara we see some new thing happen; like holding our hand when she eats, seeing her recognize an object and follow it or holding her head up on her own. Well, yesterday Clara had one of her sweetest developments so far and we just had to share it with everyone! Then Cristina said, "We're losing our baby! She's growing so fast she's practically ready to move out of the house!"

Monday, January 12, 2009