Monday, June 9, 2008


We're 21 weeks now! The past two weeks have been super busy for us so it's been awhile since my last post. Jeremy graduated from Bethel Seminary on May 31st so the whole weekend was busy with graduation and partying and visiting with his parents. And it pretty much took me all last week to recover - I tire easily these days.

I'm very much enjoying feeling the baby move. Some days it's busier than others, but I feel it at least a little every day. And the kicks are getting stronger each week too. I'm also still squeezing into many of my non-maternity clothes, but each week I pack away more things that no longer fit.

Today we had our anatomy ultrasound, which was so fun! I was mostly excited for it but also a little bit nervous. This is the ultrasound where they check all the little baby parts to make sure they don't see anything wrong. We're so thankful that everything looked great! There was nothing of concern and our little girl is measuring right on track. That's right, we're having a girl! At least they're ALMOST POSITIVE we're having a girl. We didn't really have a preference, but we're definitely excited for a girl now that we've had some time for it to sink in. I think just knowing what it is makes me feel like I'm more connected to her already. Now we just have to be careful not to go crazy buying cute little girl clothes. :)

Just 19 weeks until baby girl Hermann!

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