Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kitchen Reno, Almost Done!

Kitchen progress has been much slower the last couple weeks. Jeremy has only had some evening and weekend time to work on it, plus we went to visit his family in Wisconsin for a four-day weekend.

And I'll confess we hired a contractor friend to put up the beadboard backsplash for us yesterday. Jeremy totally could have done it, but it was a nice treat for him to just go to work for the day and come home to find it done. For now we'll be leaving it white, but someday we might paint it. We're not sure yet.

So basically all that's left is to paint the trim around the window and the sliding door, do a bit more wall painting, put up the baseboard trim and the toe kick, hang the microwave, put the remaining two cabinet doors on and their hardware, and I think that might be it. Sounds like a long list, but it's all little finishing stuff. The vast majority of the job is done! As you can see from these pictures I took today...

What a change from how it looked before. Thanks, honey, for all your hard work!


Ana Heeren said...

Looks GREAT Cristina! Sorry i missed your party! Things have been hectic around our house. I have also been very exhausted lately. Hope it went well!

Kristi Face said...

it looks awesome! :) way to go!

Brenda and Dan said...

It looks really great!!

Angela said...

Wow, it really is awesome! I can't wait to see it in person! It is so cheerful and will definitely be a wonderful place to spend lots of time in!

Chris and Brook Cortte said... looks beautiful! You must just want to be in there all the time!