Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kitchen Reno, Part 4

Well Jeremy was up until 2:00 last night working on the kitchen plumbing, but still didn't have it finished. Between the two of us we went to the hardware store four times this morning to get various plumbing supplies, plus Jeremy went there two or three times last night. Wow! I think it's safe to say he'll be very glad to stay away from plumbing projects for quite some time.

We now have working plumbing so I was able to wash dishes today and run a load in the dishwasher! The flooring is complete except for installing the threshold piece into the living room. All appliances are back in their rightful spot. The main things left are hanging the upper cabinets, installing a bead board backsplash and painting the walls. Those will have to wait a little while though because Jeremy needs a rest, plus he has to work a lot this weekend.

We're feeling quite good about things though. The house is feeling a lot closer to normal and we can even have breakfast at the table tomorrow. It's been a TON of work for Jeremy, but we're both happy with how things are turning out. The kitchen already feels so much more bright and cheerful.

Here's what it looks like tonight...


Jenny said...

Keeps looking better and better each day! I will keep checking the blog daily...I can't wait to see what color you all have choosen for the kitchen.

Robin said...

Wow, Cristina, you guys have been busy! It looks SO nice. It's so hard to live in an 'upheaved' house... so glad you're getting close! You will enjoy it that much more :o) We're hoping to be in MN over Christmas - maybe we'll see it in person!

TiemannFamily said...

Yippee! Glad that you have your kitchen back! It looks lovely!

TiemannFamily said...

Yippee! Glad that you have your kitchen back! It looks lovely!