Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekly Menu

I'm working on my menu and shopping list for the week and thought I'd post our meals here.

Homemade granola with nuts and dried fruit
Egg bake
Whole-wheat waffles
Cold cereal
Smoothies and peanut butter toast (we make smoothies whenever we have overly-ripe bananas)

French dip sandwiches, coleslaw, chips and fruit
Slow-cooker meatloaf, potatoes, coleslaw
Pasta with tomatoes and mozzarella, salad
Carrot soup, french bread
Homemade sausage pizza
Something on the grill (ribs, brats, burgers, etc)

Homemade cheesy crackers
Blueberry bran muffins
Hi-fiber cookies
Fresh fruit

Clara - 20 months

Clara is 20 months old today!

She likes to...

-play outside
-look out our windows and point out the cars, dogs, neighbors, etc.
-watch Sesame Street (mostly the parts with Elmo)
-eat anytime, anywhere
-be tickled by Daddy
-play in the bathtub
-brush her teeth
-attempt to dress herself, but she thinks everything should go on like pants...even Lola's little onesies...and she gets really upset if she can't make it work

Her vocabulary...

-bush (brush)
-huzzat? (what's that?)
-mo mo (more)
-side (outside)
-tallow (towel)
-up (she uses this when she means up and when she means down)
-num nee (yummy)
-nee nee (meeting...she knows this word because sometimes Daddy has meetings)
-uh oh
-noom noom (zoom zoom...this is what she calls cars)
-and several other words that I can't think of right now

She is full of energy and pretty much moves all day long. She's a good sleeper and a good eater. She loves her sister, who she calls Lola, Lolee, Lulee and Lulu. She's learning new words every day and is showing signs that she wants to potty train. She's great and we love her to bits!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This is how you survive the heat in our house since the AC is broken...

This is just because I like to watch my babies sleep. :)

Family time at the cabin

That's about all I have time for. Clara is refusing to nap and Lola is waking up from a nap. Gotta go!