Am I the world's worst blogger? I created this site and I haven't posted a thing for the past month! Actually I've been debating whether to continue with this site or create a Facebook account, but I've decided I like blogspot because it's simple and pretty and I just like it.
Well we have had a few blog-worthy experiences lately, but I probably only have time to write about one today. I promise I'll share the others at a later date. This past Wednesday our church held a funeral for a baby girl named Felicity. She died in the womb just a few days before her due date and she was delivered Saturday night. When things like this happen it brings my emotions about our miscarriage right up to the surface again, so I just didn't feel like I could handle going to the funeral, but Jeremy went and he said it was pretty amazing. I heard someone say that Felicity's parents were with their family on Sunday night singing the hymn "It is well." That is just spectacular to me! I'm sure they were singing through tears, but still... they were singing praise to God only 24 hours after delivering their lifeless baby! I pray that the Lord continues to support and encourage them through songs and words and people and scripture as they heal from this loss. And Lord, strengthen them to use this experience to point others to You.