Friday, January 15, 2010

Long overdue - Clara's birthday!

Our sweet girl turned one at the end of October! I know I'm very late in sharing pictures, but we had her party just a week after moving into our new house. Now that things are finally settling down I feel like I can catch up on posting some of these events.

She opened presents (with a little help)...

Her Nana (my mom) made her a panda bear cake. This is my family's tradition for first birthdays. The birthday boy/girl gets the cake all to themselves. Typically they demolish it, once they realize that it's not a stuffed animal.

Clara, however, did not demolish hers, as you can see. She had a few little tastes of it and then she decided it was more fun to feed it to daddy. This is her cake after she was finished with it. Nana, we hope you don't feel like you wasted your time making it for her. We did enjoy eating it later in the week.

And since we had her party on Halloween we finished by dressing her up in her costume. It was too cold to go trick-or-treating, but we did go next door and say hi to the only neighbors we had met so far. They gave her a mini candy bar, which mommy and daddy ate.

Happy birthday, Clara! We love you!


Brenda and Dan said...

Of course Nana didn't waste her time....the joy is in watching them have it for their birthday....not in how much she eats..and of course I knew Jeremy would not let it go to waste :)

Ben and Kristi Graves said...

she's such a cutie little bee! :)