Monday, June 22, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Wow, we've really been packing our weekends full lately! Friday night was a Hawaiian-themed birthday party for my niece. My dad made a tiki bar and Jeremy got to be the bartender. We ate kabobs and fruit salad and sipped fancy non-alcoholic drinks with umbrellas in them. It was great! Saturday we bought an inflatable wading pool and put Clara in it. At first she was not a fan, but she quickly warmed to the idea and had a great time playing in there! Yesterday the three of us went out for brunch to celebrate Father's Day. It was a great, full weekend and now we probably need a few days to recover and feel rested again!

Here's our menu plan for this week...

Baked fish, zucchini and yellow squash, mashed potatoes

Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread

Hamburgers, pasta salad, grapes, carrot sticks

Mexican tortilla skillet, applesauce

BLT sandwiches, honeydew, tator tots

Empanadas, chips and salsa

African stew w/rice

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