Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fun new toy!

I've been wanting to find an exersaucer for Clara to play in this summer for a change of scenery. She isn't crawling yet and it seems to me she would get bored sitting on a blanket all day playing with the same toys over and over.

I figured it would take lots of searching to find one in my target price range...less than $10. I've looked a few times at a local thrift shop by our apartment, but they never had any. And I've been to garage sales once this spring, but no luck there either.

The other day my mom went to a thrift shop closer to them and found one for $4.50! It's in great condition and is just what I wanted. If we had bought a comparable one brand new it would have cost probably $50-60. What a deal!


Brenda and Dan said...

Looks like she is enjoying the new toy!

Cristina said...

Yeah, I put her in it a couple times today, but it was short-lived. This morning she had a little bit of a yucky tummy I think, and a runny nose all day. It's hard to tell for sure, but I think her second tooth might be trying to come through. Not the happiest of campers today. I think she'll like it more when she's feeling better.