Thursday, April 30, 2009

Six months!

I took Clara to the doctor on Monday for her six-month appointment. The doctor was very pleased with everything! I also spoke with her surgeon recently and unless any concerns come up, we don't have to go back to see him until she's a year old! She's healing very well from her birth defects, praise God!

Here are her current stats:

Weight... 16 lbs. 7 oz. (61%)
Length... 25.5" (42%)
Head... 44cm (88% - yep, the girl's got a big head)

She also got a free book at her appointment. The doctor said starting at their six-month appointment they get free books each time they visit. It's part of a reading program. As you can see in the picture, she loves the book. It has rubber corners to chew on, a stuffed animal head, plastic rings with ribbons on them, and the pages make a crinkly sound. Very perfect for this age!


Brenda and Dan said...

The just doesn't get any better as far as she is concerned.

Apryl Cerkas said...

Makes my girly seem like a fatty! They weighed her for her 2 month visit and she weighed 14lbs 10oz! I really think they weighed her wrong because at home she's just over 13lbs!! Hopefully, Alena will be just as lucky as Clara to get books when she gets older!!

Jenny said...

She is SO cute! But she really is a peanut...Grace was over 20lbs at her 6 month visit and Joshua was just about 19 lbs or so.

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear things are going well. We should get our big-headed babies together sometime. :)

Chris and Brook Cortte said...

She's perfect.

Judith M. Hermann said...

Praise God for our happy healthy Baby Clara Josephine. This is so good to hear and we'll all be praying that she continues to thrive just as she has so far. Love, hugs and kisses to all from Grammie.