Thursday, April 23, 2009

Big girl, part 2


Judith M. Hermann said...

She sure knows how to use that cup doesn't she? I believe she's in a hurry to grow up and how do we stop that? Grammie wants you to stay little for a while yet!

Ana Heeren said...

I will certainly let you know what they cost there! I LOVE all of the updates you have been doing on your blog. I read it all of the time, and Clara is SOOO beautiful. I can't believe how big she is getting either. Before you know it, you will be wanting another :)

Ana Heeren said...

So the Exersaucers ranged anywhere between $18 and $40. They had about 8 of them, and the majority of them were $20, however the EXTRA fancy ones were at max $40.

Hope that helps! It was a lot of fun to go to the sale. I found some great books, and a few little sunning hats. The only problem for me was that they had "boy" and "girl" things, and because we don't know what we are having, it made it difficult to search! They said they were coming back in Oct, so i will for sure be going then, and buying gender specific things!