Friday, November 28, 2008

Dilation #1

Well Clara did in fact need to have her esophagus dilated on Wednesday. First they had her drink some die and then they took x-rays to see if there was a stricture. I was able to watch it on the screen and it was amazing to me that she had been eating at all because that part of her esophagus was extremely narrow.

Before the dilation they gave her some medicine to make her sleepy. Then they strapped her to the table with her arms up by her head, her head strapped between two cushions, and a strap across her chest and one across her legs. I got to watch on the screen again as they put a balloon down her throat and stretched her esophagus. She didn't enjoy it too much, but thankfully she was pretty sleepy so her fussing didn't last long.

The doctor said she may need to have this done several times until her esophagus learns that it needs to stay open. We go back in three weeks for another esophagram to see if she needs to be dilated again. We'll be praying that her esophagus is a quick learner!

So far we haven't noticed much change in Clara's eating habits since the dilation, but the doctor said that might be the case for a day or two since she would probably be a little sore or uncomfortable.

1 comment:

Ben and Kristi Graves said...

wow you've had your share of challenges with this little girl, haven't you? but you have a good attitude and i know the Lord is teaching you a lot through it. hope you had a nice thanksgiving with sweet little clara! =) love you!