Tuesday, September 30, 2008

37 weeks and a doctor update

Yesterday was my weekly doctor appointment. She said I am maybe a little more effaced than last week, but I haven't dilated at all yet so it's hard for them to tell how effaced I am. That was a little disappointing for me. I was hoping for more progress than that, but yet I know it doesn't necessarily mean anything about when the baby will be born. She can still decide to come at any time if she wants.

Here are the 37-week pictures. You can see the baby's room is starting to look better, although it's still not completely ready. But we're getting there.


Ben and Kristi Graves said...

the nursery looks cute! :) glad you had a nice anniversary weekend, and glad baby is ok. i'm excited for her arrival! (i know you are more so, though.... haha!)

ashleytiberi said...
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ashleytiberi said...

You look so amazing! I'm so glad to read that the baby is healthy and doing well, and that you are too.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I can't believe it's been three years since I've seen you...and now you're going to be a momma!


Stephanie said...

Hey Cristina! My midwife told me the other day that a lot of women - especially with the first baby - don't start to dialate until they're already in labor. Just thought you'd like to know. :)