Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm being a bit brave in sharing bikini pictures, but I know some of you really like to see the tummy so I'm willing to share. And just for the record I never intended to be a big pregnant woman strutting around in a bikini, but I really don't want to buy a maternity one-piece and only wear it once or twice.

So these pictures are from my parents cabin last weekend. There is an indoor pool nearby so we went there for a short swim with my nieces one night (my parents cabin is not on a lake).

I love these pictures! That's my niece Hannah admiring my tummy...and sharing hers with you as well. Precious.


Taylor Girls said...

So adorable! You look great, and I love a baby/bikini picture! :)


Anie said...

Look at you scandalous mommy!
That picture with Hannah is just too precious!